Medway Maritime Hospital

30th March 2017
Grading Explained: Requires Improvement

This inspection was specifically designed to test the requirement for the continued application of special measures at the trust. We have now rated Medway Maritime Hospital as ‘Requires Improvement’ overall.

This is based on an aggregation of the ratings for the eight core services we inspected. We were able to see evidence of positive changes taking place across the hospital. However, there were still areas that required improvements so patients received consistently safe care.

The hospital had made improvements to flow through the introduction of a new model for treating medical patients. This was implemented in April 2016 and made significant improvements to the way in which patients’ care was managed.

We found care and treatment across the hospital was mostly planned and delivered in line with current evidence-based guidance, standards, best practice and legislation. Regular monitoring and audit ensured consistency of practice There were formal systems for collecting comparative data regarding patient outcomes. The hospital routinely monitored and collected information about patient outcomes and used this information to improve care. Benchmarking data showed patient outcomes were mostly similar to national averages. Data supplied demonstrated continuous improvement in some areas since the previous year.