Manchester Royal Infirmary

14th June 2016
Grading Explained: Good

We carried out this inspection as part of our comprehensive inspection programme. We carried out an announced inspection of Manchester Royal Infirmary, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital between 3 and 6 November 2015. In addition an unannounced inspection was carried out between 3pm and 8pm on 23 November 2015 at Manchester Royal Infirmary, St Mary’s Hospital and Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. As part of the unannounced visit we looked at triage and safeguarding processes in accident and emergency services and stafing levels in maternity services. We have reported our findings for all four hospitals within this report. Overall we rated Manchester Royal Infirmary as ‘Good’. We have judged the service as ‘good’ for safe, caring, efective and well-led care and noted some outstanding practice and innovation. However improvements were needed to ensure that services were responsive to people’s needs.